Friday, May 2, 2014

Season 4

Season 3 ended with deaths and many unanswered questions, so what will season 4 bring?

The characters in Teen Wolf will have even more development because of all the new stuff that could happen to them. Paranormal or normal human problems, it is expected to have lots of action and drama.

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What will happen now that Allison is gone?

Death happens to everyone else as well so how will her father and Isaac deal with her death? They were not the only ones close to so how will it affect everyone in the show?

With producer Jeff Davis it is hard to tell where he will take the characters and the story in Season 4.

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One of the big questions on my mind, is stiles back to normal?
What will happen with his feelings for Lydia and Malia?
What will happen with Malia now that Peter knows she is his daughter?

Where do you want the show and the characters to go?

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Kate Argent is back from the dead. What is she? I'm not sure how I feel about this but how will Derek and Scott feel? Especially Peter since he killed her?

Kate returning was unexpected but will definitely add to the direction that season 4 will go.

What questions were you left with after season 3?

Season 4 premieres Monday, June 23 at 10PM.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Saying Goodbye

The television show Teen Wolf has continued to grow its fan base over the seasons but this third season has presented many unexpected twists. This time, the death of a beloved main character.

Allison Argent

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Allison appeared in the beginning as the new girl and viewers watch her transform into a warrior up until her death.

                               Allison Argent was
a fighter,
a daughter,
a friend,
but most of all she was loved by so many.

Fans of the character Allison Argent have been creating videos, like this one, that highlight the character as a way of saying goodbye.

Allison's death has not only been difficult for fans and cast members, but also for the MTV network. MTV has done something different in response to the character being killed off.

They have created a memorial site for the character.

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The site has the death scene of the character, cast reactions, and a section for fans to share their own thoughts and feelings with the rest of the fan base.

While this choice may seem a bit unusual, it has received a lot of attention. Channel 24 Entertainment NowSTL Today, JS Online and even Times Bulletin Media have something to say about this unique choice the network has made.

No matter the method, we all have our ways of mourning our favorite characters when they die, but it is nice to know you are not alone in whatever you may be experiencing due to the unexpected death of Allison Argent.

 I spend time going though fan made videos.

How do you say goodbye?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mythology Integration

Teen Wolf started out introducing mythological aspects to Becan Hills from the very beginning of the show but has expanded by integrating new creatures in each season. The pilot episode has set up the mythological element in the show and has been not only prominant but grows with each season.


What is your favorite mythological aspect or creature from the show?

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 Tell me in the poll on the right.




Season 1

The number of werewolves in the show has grown from season one but there has been complexity and diversity added to the creature. Super hearing, strength, different eye color and claws are a result of the transformation.

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Season 2

A werewolf bite gone wrong is introduced when Jackson it transforemed into a monster who looks for a master in order to be accepted. In his transformation he gains a reptile look along with a tail and paralyzing venom.

 Season 3

Lots of new mythology is introduced in the new season that is still airing. This season has taken a dark turn compared to the first two seasons. This advance is possible due to the newest addition of mythological creatures who come from a new culture.


Japanese Mythology

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 16 Kitsune fox full
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Kira is a new character in the season and the reason this new creature is introduced. It is discovered that she is a fox who can absorb electricity and has the ability to rub tails together to make fox fire which is either lightning or fire.


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Warrior demons who are a force of good that are born from the fox's tails and used to fight the Nugitsune. They come out of the dark wearing masks and carrying samurai swords.


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Stiles takes a dark turn when this creature jumps into his body and begins to take control of him. A dark Kitsune is a trickster that feeds on tragedy, pain, chaos, and strife but also loves riddles.

The mythology in Teen Wolf has put a new spin on mythology that has been around for centuries. Davis manipulates existing creatures and creates new ones that are both interesting and frightening. I have come to love the change the third season has taken because it is interesting to watch the characters be pushed into a darker world.

Do you like the new direction the show has taken?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Character Sunday

I will be doing Character Sundays where I look at a certain character from the show each week and talk about where they were introduced in season 1 or after to where they are now during season 3.
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Season 1







Throughout the seasons characters come and go adding different elements to the narrative that unfolds on screen. 
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Season 3








The characters are what helps give this show strong a strong presence.

Every viewer has a favorite character.
Who is yours?
What is so special about them?

A viewer has to be able to relate to the characters and Teen Wolf makes this possible through the particular relationships, hardships, and changes that every character goes through.

Character of the Week:
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Scott McCall

Scott is played by Tyler Posey. This character has been the protagonist from the pilot episode and has gone through some major changes in the episodes following.
At the beginning of season 1, Scott was an outsider in high school with asthma trying to make starter on the lacrosse team but one night changed his life and he was bitten.
Scott's world is turned upside down and his best friend Stiles does his best to help get him through it.
Over time Scott mastered his new abilities with the help of Derek Hale a born werewolf with all the answers.
Scott has embraced his werewolf side and changed throughout seasons.
Through pure heart, Scott has transformed
                                     becoming a
True Alpha.
While season 3 is still airing on MTV, it will be interesting to see the new turns he takes with his new standing among the other werewolves. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Human Mind

Teen Wolf takes viewers through a specific part of the human mind, pushing them to examine dreams vs. reality.

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The character Stiles Stilinski evolves every episode of the show, but this third season has been a breakthrough for the character on a whole new level.


Actor Dylan O'Brien brings the character Stiles to life and has been pushed this season from a funny sidekick to a more serious and dramatic role.

How will Stiles' mind affect him next?

This video shows Stiles' dynamic struggles with reality and dreams. The viewers watch as he goes through different stages that affect his body and mind.

Teen Wolf touches on issues that can be experienced outside of the shows world. Panic attacks, blackouts, anxiety, sleepwalking, dreams and even frontotemporal dementia find a way into the show.

Viewers are able to relate to Stiles through the variety of issues he is struggling to overcome. His fight against these problems and how he works through them can be beneficial to viewers.

Witnessing someone's struggles, how they deal with that, the solutions and support systems display solutions for those of us who may be going through similar ordeals.

Everyone can experience a darkness, a flare in imagination whether it be good or bad, but how do we stay grounded through tough times?

At what point does a person lose their mind?

The loss of a person's mind is an interesting idea that writer and producer Jeff Davis plays with throughout the third season which is still airing new episodes.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

About this Blog
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The television show Teen Wolf has specifically captured my attention. The show is now finishing up a third season and has continued to not only surprise but impress me with the execution of both story and film elements.

Teen Wolf is not only exciting to watch but conveys valuable information to the viewer in interesting ways. I hope to achieve an analysis of Teen Wolf by looking at as well as discussing the ways it uses certain elements and how they have evolved over the seasons.

Television has permanently secured a spot in my life by becoming my daily escape. I have always been interested in the different ways of telling stories and the way we can arrange words, and images to create those stories.

Teen Wolf grabbed my interest because of the intricate story line, the characters and the mythological elements that unfold on screen.

I am currently getting a bachelor's degree in English with a concentration in writing and a film studies minor that I believe helps me greatly when analyzing what is put on screen. I hope to achieve the goal of becoming a screenwriter for television after I graduate college this May and analysis television is a huge part of that journey.

I would love for viewers of the show to help me analyze the technical aspects I post on. This would help me to learn what a viewer enjoys or what they think doesn’t work in the show. The opinions of others will give me a basis for when I begin writing on my own.